Welcome to S-Lessons
S-Lessons means internet lessons. S-Lessons is an open space for students who want to learn English and teachers who want to teach children English. Students and teachers have the ability to meet and arrange their lessons using Skype.
There are many Japanese children who want to learn English. However, they can’t find a proper school in their neighborhood or their schedule is too busy. S-Lessons is perfect for them. They can learn English at home with teachers all across the globe, anywhere the internet stretches using Skype.
We provide you two kinds of lessons. One is a regular course and the other is "Leave it to the teacher."
Nissait Englilsh School which established in 1973 designed the idearl curriculum for studnets from 1 year old to high school students."Leave it to the teacher" is just as sounded, you leave everyting to tthe teacher you choose from the profiles.
<The major benefits of online lessons >
1) No commuting time. It’s safe and smart!
2) Your teachers are from all over the world.
3) The teacher is just for you, at your own pace.
Before you start
What you need


Web Camera

Headsets may be useful for older students in order to pay more attention to teacher's pronuncition.
①Fill in the form to register as a student
②Log in to "My Page"
③Complete your profile
④Choose a lesson either from Regular Course or from Leave it to the teacher.
⑤Buy lesson points.
When you register for the first time, 500 points will be given as welcome bonus points.
When you buy lesson points, there are two kinds. Monthy membership or spot membership.
The points you bought are valid only one month.