
Lebby 先生のプロフィール

Lebby 先生
  • 出身国:アメリカ合衆国
  • 居住国:
講師名 Lebby
指導得意分野 レギュラーコース指導, 小学生英会話, 中・高生英会話, 日常英会話, フォニックス指導, 中学英文法, TOEIC対策, 英作文, ネイティブ講師, TAGAKI
自己紹介 UPDATE 3-9
Hello Everyone!
Starting in April, I will be changing my schedule. For now, I’ll be available on Saturday and Sundays. I’m not sure yet about weekday times. I got a new day job, so when I figure out the timing I will submit a schedule for weekdays!
Thank you!

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for enjoying the Holiday Sale on my lessons! I continued it for an extra month to celebrate the new year. Let’s keep studying English together! :)

UPDATE 10-25
Hello Everyone! I want to do something fun in winter! In November and December, I will have a Holiday Sale on my lessons! For November and December, my lessons will be 1000 instead of 1500. Happy Winter! :)
I hope to meet everyone soon!!


Hello! Please, call me Lebby. I’m from Washington, D.C., but now I live in Japan with my 3 American cats. I moved to Tokyo in October of 2018, and I moved to Iwate in September of 2020! I love anime and manga, especially things from Shonen Jump. I’d love to talk about anime and manga with you! I also love Pokémon; my 3 cats are named after Pokémon characters. I like writing, drawing, sleeping, and cooking. I studied science in college. In America, I was a science teacher at an Astronomy museum. I’ve been teaching English in Japan for almost 3 years now. I hope to practice English with you soon!
経歴・資格 America:
Elementary and Junior High school tutoring for 4 years
Science Instructor at an Astronomy museum for 2 years

One-on-one English tutor in Tokyo for 2 years
Currently an English teacher in Iwate for Elementary and Junior High school
事務局コメント ポケモンなど、日本アニメ大ファンの先生です。ポケモンが大好きな生徒さん、きっと話が盛り上がりますよ。(^_-)-☆

Lebby 先生のクチコミ

  • サイエンスに関する知識も豊富な先生で、とても質のいいレッスンをしてくれます。また何より、次はいつLebbyとレッスンなの?と、先生とのレッスンを子供が楽しみにしています。

Lebby 先生のスケジュール

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