
pat 先生のプロフィール

pat 先生
  • 出身国:カナダ
  • 居住国:その他
講師名 pat
指導得意分野 TESOL, レギュラーコース指導, 小学生英会話, 中・高生英会話, 日常英会話, フォニックス指導, 中学英文法, 高校英文法, TOEFL対策, 英作文, ネイティブ講師
自己紹介 ★★★自己紹介(日本語)★★★
こんにちは!Patです。私はカナダ人で、イタリアに住んでいます。私は教職に就いて、20年以上になります。私はカナダとイギリスで英語を教えていたので、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語、両方を使い分けてレッスンすることが出来ます! お子様の英語力や学習履歴に合わせて、完全オリジナルなプライベートレッスンを提供します♪



Brief introduction: I am a Canadian who lives in beautiful italy. I have been teaching for more than 20 years. Fully qualified school teacher. I have Canadian and British education. So, I can teach your children both British and Amercian English. I can create a personalized lesson, just for your child, based on their level of learning. In my spare time, I like watching movies, listening to music, dancing, and going to the theater. I've even a actor myself.

I used visual cues with English and Chinese so that my native Chinese-speaking students always have a way to recall vocabulary and language concepts. I like to begin each lesson with a review of the last lesson and I like to use humor to introduce and reinforce new skills and concepts with my teaching with my assistant tank! I like to send daily messages to my student on what has been improved and what we still need to work on.

I am a very popular teacher ! My lessons get booked so very fast! If you want to book my schedule in advance more than 30 days please let the administration know.

Reservation: It would be helpful if you could make a reservation at least 48 hours in advance. It may be difficult to make a reservation at short notice due to the time difference.
Please contact us for available time slots.
経歴・資格 I am very experienced teacher. I have been working online for seven years. I have a TESOL certificate, B.A and LLB. I have worked for companies such as Dada, abc360, boxfish, Landi, Abc English and many more.
I am very excited to meet the new S-Lessons students.


pat 先生のクチコミ

pat 先生のスケジュール

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